Our roots are sometimes deeper than we think, at least according to Aket. This reflection on identity and belonging is at the heart of his work.
One of the major themes of the artist is that of Dunkirk, the city where he grew up. Through his canvases, Aket explores the richness of his local environment, capturing the essence of daily life in this port city. His portraits of sailors depict not only the faces of those who navigate turbulent waters but also the stories and struggles hidden behind each gaze.

Text from the artist :
"Sulfureuse was inspired by the difficult task of narrating love—describing and detailing it. This line from Verlaine, for example: "To this memory alone, far from you."
Similarly, his bar scenes, imbued with warmth, reveal the importance of human interactions and shared moments in Dunkirk's culture. Aket manages to create a welcoming atmosphere, where the viewer can almost hear the laughter and lively conversations resonating in these places.

Through this artistic quest, Aket embarks on an exploration of painting as a means of telling his personal story. Each work becomes a reflection of his memories, experiences, and the cultural heritage of his region. By rediscovering his roots, the artist invites us to reflect on our own origins and how they shape our perception of the world.

It is in this context that another project titled "The Great Blue" was born. Blue is indeed the only color that does not fade. Aket's work is not limited to a simple representation of Dunkirk; rather, it elevates itself to a meditation on identity, memory, and the connection between art and life.
Text about the deep blue:
"Blue is the only color that, at all its shades, retains its own individuality. From the darkest to the lightest hues, it will always be blue, while yellow darkens in the shadows and fades in the light.
I chose to interpret this color by evoking escape and dreams. It is a color that has been accompanying me in recent days towards tranquility."

Text of the artwork:
"Memories sometimes linger, despite the miles that separate us. It’s a pity you can’t see the sea crashing.
It’s a pity you can’t see the grayish fog.
In the cradle of Dunkirk, time unravels on a man nailing down the old colors and memories of yesteryear."
SINCE 2021
« Le bleu est la seule couleur qui, à tous ses degrés, conserve sa propre individualité. À ses diverses nuances, de la plus foncée à la plus claire, ce sera toujours du bleu, alors que le jaune noircit dans les ombres et s’éteint dans les clairs.
J’ai choisi d’interpréter cette couleur en évoquant l’évasion et le rêve. C’est une couleur qui m’accompagne ces derniers jours vers le calme. »